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Station Throat.jpg

Work on the Southwark Bridge Layout started in 1995 under the auspices of the Southampton Area Group of the Scalfour Society.


Ivan Smith built a plethora of LSWR style points and joined them together to form a station throat.


He asked Henry Bousher to suggest an LSWR solution to signalling it and Henry was immediately struck by its similarity to an earlier incarnation of Southwark Bridge, a layout that he a hand in building, but was not completed as 2 out of the 3 owners passed away. We were pleased to get it going again and Henry duly designed the signalling.

Show 1995.jpg

The layout has been exhibited a couple of times in the past and was first shown at Scaleforum 1995 in its bare boards state. Some ten years later an article was published in Scalefour News no 149 with scenery in embryo form as captured in this photo. Since then we have concentrated on producing the rolling stock required and much more scenery.


Please view the videos on the Overview tab to find out more about the history.

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